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Immigrate to Canada

Check out all the services we provide!

The Quebec Experience Class

Quebec Experience Program (PEQ or Programme de l’expérience québécoise) is for skilled workers who have sufficient knowledge of French and would like to work in Quebec.

The Quebec Skilled Workers program

Quebec Skilled Worker Program is for skilled workers who have sufficient knowledge of French and would like to work in Quebec.

The Quebec Business/Entrepreneur Program

The Quebec Entrepreneur Program is an immigration pathway targeting immigrant entrepreneurs with the ability to establish a new business or acquire and operate an existing business.

Quebec AI, It, and Visual Effects Pilot

Permanent immigration pilot program for workers in the artificial intelligence, information technologies and visual effects sectors

Reach Us

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada

Are You Eligible?

What Programs/Streams are you eligible for?

Are you interested in immigrating to Canada?
Fill out our free registration form for potential migration opportunities!